Super Mario 3 Death Tag

Im a huge, fan of Mario Games!

But not anymore, after that day...

I was 15 at the time, Young, Stupid and loved Video Games. I very much liked Mario Games!

I had meorys of Playing Super Mario 3 as a kid Great Days!

So one day, it had been awhile science i played video games I had sold my NES Game System.

But i rember Mario 3' and how much i love it! So i went down to A mom n pop store to get a NES and super mario 3

I went to the front and there was a old man in the ally near the store, he said, "Hey, Kid want a NES and Super Mario 3 for free???"

And i said "Hell Yeah!" and grabed it from his hands and walked awaya. But, somthing was odd. The man, he acted wierd like i was

his pawn. But i just shaked the feeling off i got homes and pluged it in my old TV! the minite i pluged the power in i heard a crack in my house.

I ignored it, bad mistake. I pluged the game cart in and turned it on! it started up as normal with the curteen. But  mario had a nife in his hand 

and when luigi jumped on him it went right into luigi. lugui fell to the ground he was bleading very realistic blood for a 8 bits game.

I thought "What the hell! maybe this is one of them hacked games!" so i went on. at the level select screen mario was holding luigis dead head it still 

pooring the realistic blood. on the first level somthing wasnt right. mario insted of jumping on goombas stabed them. I was shocked at marios actions but i went on. 

Everything was normal till world 4. In the first level of world 4 mario said in a comic bubble "This is not a hack, Brandon" i instaly jolted from my seat 

How did it know my name! i thought. then i heard a bang in my kicten. Mario said thru the bubble, "Where playing tag! im it first brandon!"

I got my bb gun from the closet beside me and standed still. i heard a creek at my door what apeared shocked me. it was a Mario Doll.

I shot the doll with my bb gun but i heard a noise behind me. I turned around and saw Mario in real life. he had black eyes with red dot6s and the head of luigi 

he said to me, "Your coming with me" and i fell to the ground. I woke up in a hospital i asked the nurse what happened and they said i had been stabed all over

my body. Im writing this while in this bed and am warning everyone. DONT EVER TAKE A GAME FROM A OLD MAN.